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Why Sell Now?

When there’s a reason and you’re motivated, it’s always the right time to sell. People sell their property due to financial issues, family changes, a job opportunity, or a need to move up or downsize.

In most parts of the country, there is high demand and low inventory, and properties on the market sell quickly for asking price and even higher. In fact, one of the indicators of a sellers’ market is when offers from multiple buyers are made on a property. This year, multiple offers are double what they were last year.


So, what is your motivation to sell?

Keller Williams research reveals the top three motivations for people choosing to sell; is one of these the reasons you are selling your property?

1. Relocation for work (26%)

2. Life event such as new baby, marriage, or divorce (18%)

3. Upsize, downsize, or move to a better location (14%)


Nearly three out of five sellers have some urgency to sell, while 14% have a very urgent need to sell.

Nearly three out of five sellers have some urgency to sell, while 14% have a very urgent need to sell.

What this means for you…

What is motivating you to sell, and how urgent are you to do so? If you don’t have an urgency to sell, resist the temptation to “test the waters” by listing your house at a high price. Why? You’ll be competing with those motivated to sell quickly, and yours will just make theirs look like a deal.

Do you have questions about your specific situation, or would you just like to talk with an expert? Fill out the form below, or give us a call at 734-845-9700, and we’ll help out in any way we can.






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For immediate assistance, call us at 734-845-9700 or email Andy Piper at

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