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The Piper Partners Client Appreciation BBQ Goes Zero-Waste

The Piper Partners 4th Annual BBQ will feature the same great food and fun while helping our community become more waste aware.


Cross your fingers for good weather on July 28th because the Piper Partners team is hosting our 4th annual Client Appreciation BBQ at Gallup Park! We will be serving up delicious summer fare while striving to make this a zero waste event!


Our decision to go zero-waste was driven by our commitment to our core values, one of which is a promise to give back to our community. By going zero-waste we hope to raise awareness about how the small consumer choices we make on a daily basis have a large impact on our environment. Almost everything we buy and consume comes packaged in something that is not biodegradable. If we can take small steps toward more sustainable living, we can be a part of the solution to our planet’s excess waste crisis.

Our Partnership With Recycle Ann Arbor

While planning our BBQ, We reached out to Recycle Ann Arbor, a local organization that collects most of Ann Arbor’s recycling and works toward educating the public on waste reduction and the best recycling practices.

We worked with their Outreach and Zero-Waste Program Manager, Angela Porta,  and she has been an awesome resource for us! She gave us advice on everything down to the most minute detail. We asked her a number of questions related to reducing, reusing and recycling and she informed us of aspects of the recycling business that we had never heard about before, from goods that are commonly mistaken as recyclable to how energy intensive the recycling process is after the materials leave our homes in their blue bin.

She will be at the BBQ to help us set up our own zero-waste station, equipped with a compost and recycle bin, and will be available to answer any questions about reducing, reusing, and recycling non-biodegradable products.

She taught us that our sole focus cannot simply be on recycling everyday materials, but must be on purposefully choosing to use less! Both being thoughtful of our recycling practices and committing ourselves to a lifestyle of reduced use of unsustainable materials are important parts of environmental conscientiousness. Every small decision makes a big impact on our planet!

Learning More:

If you want to learn more about sustainable practices and better recycling guidelines, Recycle Ann Arbor can be a great resource for you as well! You can learn from simply visiting their website, or you can reach out to Angela at and arrange to meet her in person. Recycle Ann Arbor also offers curbside pickup and two recycling drop-off centers in the Ann Arbor area. They are truly an invaluable educational resource for our community.

Another way to learn more is to come out to our picnic on July, 28th where you will be able to witness a zero-waste event in action, meet Angela in person, and can get to know each other a little better! 


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