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Thank You to Our Community!

Thank You to Our Community for Attending Our 3rd Annual Client Appreciation Picnic!

Families and friends enjoying a perfect summer day at the Piper Partners Client Appreciation BBQ.

A big thank you to our clients, friends, and family who attended the third annual Piper Partners Client Appreciation BBQ on Sunday, July 29th, 2018! It was a perfect day of warm weather and clear skies in Ann Arbor and we were happy with the turn out of about 75 clients, friends, and family.

Our objective for the picnic is simple – relax, have fun and good conversation, eat good food, and recognize and say thank you to those who make our team success possible! We also gave away vouchers for kayaking and canoeing on the Huron River which was a real hit on a hot summer day.

Team selfie with our sign!

We believe that a great local business only exists because of the support of our community – that we are only successful because of you – our clients, families and our community.

We are an active extension of the community and strive to find meaningful ways to give back. One of the ways we work to impact our community is to raise awareness and funds for Ozone House. This year, Allie Schachter, Development Director for  Ozone House shared news of the organization’s purchase of land and plans to build a new state of the art facility in Ypsilanti. We will be working to help them raise funds to construct their new building and to also recognize their upcoming 50th anniversary serving the Washtenaw County area.

Over the last year, the Piper Partners Team has raised more than $5,000 in donations to Ozone house, primarily in the form of donations from our client real estate closings. However, the real power in our ability to raise awareness for them through our events and our marketing. We hope that you will spread the word about Ozone Houses’ mission and encourage the people you know to make a donation to Ozone House of any amount.

Our chef, Chris Gaskin and Cody Maldonado keeping up with burger production.


A special thank you to our chef, Chris Gaskin with Cuisine with Class Catering. Chris whipped up a light summer feast with gourmet hamburgers and many salads and side dishes. Chris, being a purist did NOT bring any ketchup for the burgers which proved to be problematic for some of the younger patrons. Turns out the burgers did not need any ketchup!

Also, Elliot, Allie’s baby son who attended the picnic was awesome!  He was a perfect angel.. until it was time for mom to do her presentation at which point he demanded lots of attention.

We’re very lucky to have such great clients and were happy to get to celebrate with everyone who could make it out. For those of you who missed our annual picnic, you were missed! We hope you will be able to make next year’s picnic which is already planned for Sunday, July 28th, 2019 at the Fast Pavillion in Gallup Park. Here’s to another great year in Ann Arbor!


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