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Thank You For Your Support!

Thank You for Your Support

This year we are grateful for those of you who’ve trusted us every step of the way during your real estate journeys and for the trust you put in our team each time you send one of your family members or friends our way. This year has presented new challenges for us all: agents, homeowners, and those looking to purchase alike. We have strived to meet those challenges and are committed to continuing to meet them as we head into the New Year. We don’t take the business we’ve had during this time for granted, a time when many have lost jobs and gone without. For your trust in us, we are grateful and committed to giving back to our community in new ways this upcoming year.

On behalf of our entire Piper Partners Real Estate Team, we want to wish you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season! We are always here for you, committed to providing expert real estate service for home buyers, sellers, and investors – and that includes answering any questions you have; no matter how small. We always love to hear from you, even if just to say hi!

Looking ahead to 2021

2020 has been one of the most challenging years in recent memory. However, the real estate industry has moved rapidly to ensure home sales transactions and mortgage refinancing could take place safely and efficiently, with minimal disruption. Despite uncertain times, those who need to make moves are doing so, and the industry has been rapidly adjusting to our current circumstances to meet this demand. We fully expect people will continue to move for all of the usual reasons this upcoming year as low-interest rates keep homeownership within reach even as prices continue to rise.

Moreover, we know individuals and families are placing more value on specific spaces within their homes; desiring to have designated home offices, home gyms, hobby areas, private yards, and community amenities.

We expect a strong and orderly seller’s market to continue. Demand continues to outpace inventory. Sellers who prepare their homes for the market and price correctly are selling almost immediately!

As always, we can help you clarify your wants and needs for a move and encourage you to move for the right reasons. We are available to discuss any aspect of buying or selling a home via a phone call or Zoom meeting and look forward to hearing from you. 

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 – Andy

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For immediate assistance, call us at 734-845-9700 or email Andy Piper at

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