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Pure Michigan Campaign Brings on More Good News for Tourism

courtesy of Boston Public Library

Despite some outsiders’ perspective on the quality of life Michigan offers, they may be surprised to know just how much there is to do here. From beautiful beaches in quaint coastal towns to snow-capped hills in ski resorts up north, Michigan’s offerings on things to do outside of the bubble of home and work are incredibly plentiful.

Michigan State University researchers presented their findings at the Pure Michigan Governor’s Conference on Tourism being held near Traverse City, predicting tourism spending to grow 4.5 percent.

Fortunately, the state is doing their part in building up the state’s image to be closer to reality, and one of the new things they’re doing this year is a network national ad buy – for the first time.

The $2 million network national ad buy will augment an $11 million national cable buy, as part of the state’s $13 million 2014 national campaign that begins Monday. So if you’re planning on moving to Michigan, keep your eyes, ears and minds open to the possibilities of what awaits you here – we have A LOT going on!

Source: and

Empire Beach, Empire MI

Empire Beach, Empire MI


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