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154 Single-Family Home Development for Ann Arbor’s North Side

Credit: Ann Arbor News

Pontiac Trail, north side of Ann Arbor

Those seeking larger homes within Ann Arbor city limits will hopefully find a new subdivision on the north side in a few years, as plans to build a residential project on vacant land on Ann Arbor’s Pontiac Trail are moving forward under a new developer.

Trowbridge Land Holdings LLC submitted plans to build 154 single-family homes on the west side of Pontiac Trail, north of Skydale Drive.

This will be welcome news for buyers looking for larger new homes on the Northside of Ann Arbor, though current owners probably won’t appreciate the additional traffic on two lane Pontiac Trail.

The only newer construction along Pontiac Trail inside the city limits  is Orchard Place neighborhood  – hardly new, built in the 1990’s.  This location is very appealing to those who want to be downtown, to U of M North Campus or to the U of M medical Center in a few minutes. A little further out are Northeast Ann Arbor neighborhoods: Dhu Varren on the Park  and Foxfire (built in the 1990’s to early 2000’s).

The homes on Pontiac Trail will range in size from 2,500 square feet to 3,000 square feet, cost ranging from $399,000 to the mid-$400,000s.

Should the plans be approved by the city, construction on the new subdivision begins at the end of 2014 to be completed within five years.

Average home sale prices were up 18 percent in Washtenaw County in 2013. Ann Arbor homes gained 10.87 percent in value last year based on sales prices per square foot.



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