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Buying a House with Pets: More Households Have Pets Than Kids

Welcome, Pet Parents!

Did you know there are more American households with pets than children? As pet parents, this is something to celebrate! Whether you’re buying a house with a pet or planning for the future, your furry friends play a big role in home shopping decisions.

Pet Ownership on the Rise

Pet ownership has soared in recent years. In fact, 66% of American households now own a pet. This trend has grown steadily, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, as many Americans turned to pets for comfort and companionship. As a result, buying a house with pets in mind has become a common consideration for home shoppers.

buying a home with a pet

Fewer Families with Children

Meanwhile, families with children have been on the decline. In 2023, only 39% of households had children under 18. This is a significant drop from 1950 when 52% of households had kids at home. Several factors contribute to this trend, including lower birth rates and the aging of Baby Boomers whose children have moved out.


Children under 18 in home.

Pet Parents and Home Shopping

When it comes to home buying, pet parents have clear priorities. Many are looking for homes with large yards, nearby parks, and proximity to veterinarians. For unmarried couples, 29% considered their pet’s needs when choosing a neighborhood. Single women also showed strong consideration, with 20% factoring in their pets, compared to 15% of single men. It’s clear that pets are a big part of the decision-making process.


Buying a House with Pets as a Driving Force

The love for pets doesn’t just stop at choosing the right neighborhood. Pet parents are also more likely to invest in homes with bigger lots or closer access to outdoor spaces. This is because they know their pets need room to play and explore. In many ways, pets are driving a new wave of home buying trends.

Your Next Move Starts Here

As pet ownership rises, the needs of our furry friends have become a key factor in home buying decisions. Whether you’re buying a house with pets or planning your next move, it’s essential to consider what’s best for you and your pets. Ready to find a pet-friendly home? Connect with us today to start your journey!

Source: NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers


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