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Fosdick Glen

Fosdick Glen in Saline a new construction community built Norfolk Homes. They offer a variety of floor plans on a land preservation community with 34 acres of open space. Located just 2.5 miles from downtown Saline, Fosdick Glen is the perfect location to enjoy parks, trails, shops, restaurants, historical buildings, and museums. Just 8 miles from downtown Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Campuses and Hospitals makes Fosdick Glen a commuter friendly community.

1 Available Listing in Fosdick Glen

Fosdick Glen Market Update

Active Statistics

Active Listings 1
Avg. Listing Price $649,999
Avg. Days on Market 304

Sold Statistics

Total Sold 7
Avg. Sold Price $810,344
Avg. Sold Price per sq.ft. $177
Avg. Sold Days on Market 179.857
All statistics are based on the last 12 months

Fosdick Glen Property Listings

$649,999 More Info
4 bed, 2.1 bath, 2,165 sqft
580 Lincolnshire Court..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on August 7, 2024 for $670,000
4 bed, 3.1 bath, 3,462 sqft
671 W Burton Court, Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on July 10, 2024 for $849,526
5 bed, 4.1 bath, 4,078 sqft
6052 Lincolnshire Driv..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on July 16, 2024 for $926,697
4 bed, 3.1 bath, 3,221 sqft
675 W Burton Court, 16..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on July 18, 2024 for $767,132
5 bed, 3.1 bath, 3,162 sqft
4853 Burton Lane, 4 Un..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on September 22, 2023 for $865,686
5 bed, 4.1 bath, 2,978 sqft
6065 Lincolnshire Driv..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on September 21, 2023 for $902,440
4 bed, 3.1 bath, 3,178 sqft
6056 Lincolnshire Driv..., Saline
SOLD More Info
Sold on April 1, 2024 for $690,930
4 bed, 3.1 bath, 3,953 sqft
4842 Burton Lane, 23 U..., Saline

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