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Pittsfield Glen Estates

Pittsfield Glen offers quality-built, Life Tested new construction single-family homes in Pittsfield Township, less than 7 miles from downtown Ann Arbor, offering convenience at your fingertips. Plus, with US-23, US-12 and I-94 around the corner, commuting to work, recreational areas, entertainment, or other major attractions in the Metro Detroit area will be a breeze.

0 Available Listings in Pittsfield Glen Estates

Pittsfield Glen Estates Market Update

Active Statistics

No active listings available

Sold Statistics

Total Sold 1
Avg. Sold Price $825,000
Avg. Sold Price per sq.ft. $234
Avg. Sold Days on Market 136
All statistics are based on the last 12 months

Pittsfield Glen Estates Property Listings

SOLD More Info
Sold on January 25, 2024 for $825,000
5 bed, 4.1 bath, 3,512 sqft
5675 Whispering Spring..., Ann Arbor

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