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How to Boost Your Property Value this Spring

spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity for homeowners to declutter and organize their homes. It is an especially important task for home owners who currently have their home listed or plan to list in the near future. Taking the time to spruce up the home can help increase value and make a good impression on potential buyers.

By taking the time to deep clean and reorganize this spring, home owners can increase their resale value over the short term.

However, it’sĀ important to note that not all spring cleaning projects are created equal. Some projects may have a nice temporary appearance, but they don’t hold up in the long run and won’t significantly increase your property value.

When time is an issue, high-priority tasks include:

  • cleaning overgrown landscaping
  • painting the interior and exterior
  • cleaning all baseboards and clearing gutters of debris which causes pest and paint problems when left untreated
  • reseal grout lines where necessary
  • replace town screens

Time permitting, power wash patios and decks to remove mold and dirt to make the area appear clean and newer. And, don’t forget the attic. As buyers are not house guests, expect them to look in closets and attics. Take time to really organize and clean.

With a freshly cleaned home this spring, you’llĀ have taken a big first step on your way to successfully preparing your home for sale.

Interested in finding out other ways you can prepare your home for sale? Contact us by filling out the form below, or give us a call at (734)845-9700.

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