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MSU Extension Michigan Gardening Resources

Michigan is great for growing fruit, vegetables, flowers, and landscape plants.

MSU Extension offers many Michigan gardening resources including the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program, the Smart Gardening initiative, and a gardening hotline. These programs are open to all Michiganders. 

1. Gardening Hotline

MSU Extension is here to answer any question related to gardening.

  • Try their search engine.
  • If you didn’t find an answer, call the gardening hotline at 1-888-678-3464 (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 am to noon) or use our online Ask an Expert.

2. Smart Gardening Initiative

Smart Gardening is MSU Extension’s campaign using earth-friendly messages to help gardeners make smart choices in their backyards. The goal is to equip gardeners with a “tool kit” of research-based knowledge to use at home. Whether choosing plants, using fertilizer, or applying water, MSU Extension offers many resources to help gardeners. Here are a few to check out: 

3. Soil Testing Services

Ensure the health of your soil with MSU Extension’s soil testing kit. Receive personalized fertilizer recommendations based on comprehensive soil analysis. Understand the importance of soil testing to guide your soil management practices and maintain soil productivity over time. Soil testing is recommended every 2-3 years. 

4. Master Gardener Volunteer Program

The MSU Extension Master Gardener Program is an MSU volunteer program that trains, supports, and certifies MSU Extension Master Gardeners who partner with us, meet program requirements, and follow our mission to educate communities on research-based horticulture science. Contact or local MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator if you’re interested.

Upgrade your gardening journey with MSU Extension’s resources and expertise!

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For immediate assistance, call us at 734-845-9700 or email Andy Piper at

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